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Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth. Astrology is the science of the effects of the planets movements on our lives and all things. Astrology is based on astronomy in that astrologers need to know the correct positions of the planets at any given time, as well as the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed star signs in relation to any place on earth at any given time. Once the correct positions of the signs and planets are known, the astrologer then constructs charts representing these positions, and using the astrological science, studies the charts and can make quite a wide range of conclusions about the moment the chart was cast for. Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another. The aspects formed between the planets describe these relationships, the positions of the planets in relation to the place of birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted by the astrological houses. By interpreting the roles of these players (the planets) and their qualities (the elements, signs and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrology is able to present a complete and comprehensive picture of the person and his potential, based on the natal horoscope.

Astrology is without doubt the original science, the oldest of the sysytems of knowledge devised by human beings. It is the science of fate/destiny used for understanding events happening on earth.

Astrology is not only the foremost of the outer sciences which deal with the nature of the physical universe, it is one of the most important of the inner or spiritual sciences which deal with the mind and soul.

There are a few welI known facts occurring in nature and faIling within the scope of the second division of Astrological knowledge, which would seem to indicate that further investigations along this path would confirm the other findings of the ancient scientists.

Of these natural facts there are three which are outstanding:

  1. there does exist a correspondence between the phases of the Moon and the Tides. (Natural phenomenon).
  2. There does exist a correspondence between the phases of the Moon and the Menstrual periods of the Female. (Human physical phenomenon).
  3. There does exist a correspondence between the periods of the Full Moon and New Moon and the intensity of emotional disturbance among the Insane. (Human psychological phenomenon).

About Kandruswamy

"He excels in diverse disciplines through dedicated horoscope reading that fulfills a need – we understand that people need answers that are timely, authentic, and clear. He provide’s answers to clients in the areas of finance, relationship, career, spirituality, health, business, children/family, travel and other personal problems too. By getting the the nadi reading or the birth chart reading done and performing appropriate remedies is a rich and rewarding experience for his clients."

Vedic Astrology

Navagraha (Nine Planets)

According to Vedic Astrology, the planets are relay stations for the reception and transmission of stellar energies. In Vedic Astrology, the seven major or visible planets are normally listed in order of the days they rule: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Order of Navagraha (Nine Planets)

Of the planets, the Sun and the Moon, as the two luminaries are most important. Next in importance are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as the major planets beyond the orbit of the earth. Then come Venus and Mercury as the major planets within the orbit of Earth and therefore always close to the Sun.

The Lunar nodes, norh and south, called Rahu and Ketu, regarded as shadowy or secondary planets, are of yet less imporatance. After them in significance we can place the distant planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Navagraha and the Qualities of Nature
The planets are generally given the three qualities as follows:

    Sattva Sun, Moon and Jupiter
     Rajas Mercury and Venus
     Tamas Mars and Saturn (also Rahu and Ketu)

Elements of the Navagraha(Planets)
The traditional association of elements and planets in Vedic Astrilogy are as follows:

     Space Jupiter
     Air Saturn and Rahu
     Fire Sun, Mars and Ketu
     Water Moon and Venus
     Earth Mercury

Navagraha(Planetary) Natures - Benefic and Malefic

     Greater Benefic Jupiter
     Lesser Benefic Venus
     General Benefic Moon and Mercury
     Greater Malefic Saturn and Rahu
     Lesser Malefic Mars and Ketu
     General Malefic Sun

Nakshatra / Constellations

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into twenty seven equal parts, starting from the first point of Aries. These are called Asterisms. In the Hindu Astrology, they are known as "Nakshatras". The various planets are much influenced by the position they are placed in the Asterism.

In the Hindu system of Astrology the asterisms in which the moon is placed at the time of birth is of great significance. The term "JANMANAKSHATRA" – Asterism of birth, is actually the position of the moon in the Asterism at the time of birth.

The Asterisms and their longitudal degrees may be tabulated as follows:

     Purva Phalguni
     Uttara Phalguni
     Purva Ashada
     Uttara Ashada
     Shatha Bhishag
     Purva Bhadrapada
     Uttara bhadrapada

The various Asterisms have definite influence on the physical and mental characteristics of the natives.

Natives of Ashwini are usually beautiful in appearance. They love to be adorned in good jewellery and clothes. They are sharp-witted, accomplished and unperturbed. Usually they have a calm temperament.

Natives of Bharani usually have an immense zest for life. They are intellectually inclined, and have a scientific bend of mind. They enjoy good health and prosperity. They have a steady mind, and they seldom tell lies.

Natives of Krittika have a strong physique and they enjoy good health and long life. Usually they have insatiable lust, and they are greedy in their eating habits. As a rule they are very cunning and deceitful. However they are inclined to enjoy fame and socially they move in high circles.

Natives of Rohini usually have exceptionally large eyes. They are honest and truthful in their dealings, and generally they are generous and charitable. Talented conversationalists, they have an unperturbed mind.

Natives of Mrigashira generally suffer from inferiority complex. They are persevering in nature, but love an easy way of life. Money comes to them easily.

Natives of Ardra are usually not very trustworthy. Generally they are not very sincere. They are proud and often self-centered. They are given to quick temper.

Natives of Punarvasu rarely enjoy good health. They can easily become addicted to alcohol and drugs. Though, they are generally polite and tactful, tongues. In business dealings they are usually clever and even cunning, if necessity arises.

Natives of Pushya usually have a calm mind. Highly intellectual, they are usually dutiful, law abiding, and righteous. They are noble in their outlook, and they are philanthropic.

Natives of Ashlesha generally have a robust physique. They are of a cheerful temperament, and they have a great zest for life. However it is not unusual to find some of them insincere and cunning. Gratefulness is not a quality associated with the natives of Ashlesha.

Natives of Makha love an easy luxurious life. It is rare to find industrious people among them. They love to surround themselves with beautiful things, particularly flowers of colour and fragrance. Prosperity comes to them rather easily.

Purva Phalguni
Natives of Purva Phalguni are philanthropic minded and noble hearted. They are generally pleasant in their behavior, and tactful in their speech. They have the knack to see ahead and therefore they make very good businessmen. However they suffer from unsteady mind.

Uttara Phalguni
Natives of Uttara Phalguni usually suffer from poor appetite. They are intellectually inclined and healthy minded. Generally, they are sincere, truthful and noble hearted, though short-tempered.

Natives of Hasta are usually brave and chivalrous. Besides other noble qualities, they are grateful and charitable. However at times they can be merciless and stealthy. They are usually prosperous in the later part of life.

Natives of Chitra are especially distinguished for their beautiful physique. They are noted for their shapely figure and attractive features, particularly eyes. They are fond of good clothes and ornaments. Though they can be considered good-natured in general, they are not usually sharp-witted and bright. It is not unusual to find them being stingy.

Natives of Swathi are well known for their dignified and polished manners. They are intelligent, scholarly and are able administrators. Tactful in their behavior, they have great self-control. Dutiful and generally law abiding, they make excellent citizens.

Native of Vishaka are well known for their jealousy and stingyness. They are short tempered, but at the same time they are god fearing and honest.

Natives of Anuradha are distinguished for their beautiful hair and eye lashes. Dutiful and god-fearing they have great attraction for the opposite sex. They will be prosperous and honoured by the great. However, native of Anuradha will find themselves luckier in a foreign soil.

Natives of Jyeshtha have very bad tempers, giving way to violent outbursts at time. Generally they are not very prosperous, though they are charitable. They have very few friends.

Native of Mula are very proud people. They have bad tempers and not favourably disposed towards relatives. They have a constant, steady mind and they love discipline.

Purva Ashada
Natives of Purva Ashada stand out in a crowd because of their tall stature. Generally they are proud and noble minded. Kind to people, and generous to the poor and needy, natives of Purva- Ashada are loyal friends, but dangerous enemies.

Uttara Ashada
Natives of Uttara Ashada are distinguished by their majestic appearance. Strong and muscular they usually have long nose and chiseled features. They have good discerning eyes and they are generally gentle and kind. Fond of good food and good company, they are always of a pleasant disposition.

Natives of shravana distinguish themselves for their high intellect and noble qualities. They are generally of polished manners and dignified behavior. They have great enthusiasm for life.

Natives of Dhanishtha are well known for their independent nature and liberal outlook. highly esteemed for their courage and valour, natives of Dhanishtha are also generally fond of music.

Shatha Bhishag
Natives of Shatha Bhishag possess high intellect and virtuous conduct. Always truthful and uncompromising, they beloved of everyone.

Purva Bhadrapada
Natives of Purva Bhadrapada are easily given to melancholy. They usually think lesser of themselves than they are actually worth. They are intelligent and are usually gifted speakers. They easily give in to jealousy and greed. Generally they have very little faith in God.

Uttara Bhadrapada
Natives of Uttara Bhadrapada have a great aptitude for arts and science. Usually talkative they are argumentative, but tactful and diplomatic. They are generally charitable and king.

Natives of Revati possess a perfect build and a robust constitution. They are popular, heroic, and diplomatic they have a wandering mind. But seldom they do anything blameworthy.

Each sign contains 2 ¼ asterisms. And each asterism is 13° 20" extant.

Each asterism is sub-divided into four equal parts called "Pada". Of course each Pada is 3° 20" extant.

When the moon is passing at birth, the effects can be very harmful to the child, mother or the father. If, however, the evil effects are averted. Through other benevolent planetary combinations, the child may live upto a ripe old age, and enjoy great prosperity and glory in life.

To mention in particular, Mula 1, Ashlesha 4, Makha1 or Jyeshtha 4 can be very dangerous to the life of the child.


The Vimshottari Dasha

The twenty seven nakshatras are divided into three groups of nine nakshatras each. These are owned by nine planets. Each planet is allocated specific number of years over which it operates.

Vimshottari dasha periods

     S.No Planet Nakshatras Dasha Period(years)
     1 Sun 3, 12, 21 6
     2 Moon 4, 13, 22 10
     3 Mars 5, 14, 23 7
     4 Rahu 6,15,24 18
     5 Jupiter 7,16,25 16
     6 Saturn 8,17,26 19
     7 Mercury 9,18,27 17
     8 Ketu 1,10,19 7
     10 Venus 2,11,20 20
     Total number of years 120

The system of Houses & Significance of Houses

There are twelve celestial houses in Astrology and a house is constituted with 30 degrees. They are derived from an equal division of the circle of observation in to 12 parts. One-twelfth part of the circle of observation constitutes an astrological house. In astronomy it is the vertical of the latitude belonging to the place of the birth. The stars on the earth show the place of birth.

The rising house is called ascendant and the others are known as angular, succedent and cadent houses. The angles are four cardipoints in the horoscope. The planets in the horoscopic chart are subservient to lagna, and their original nature undergoes modifications depending upon the lagna.

Significance of Houses

Significance of Houses Ignificance

The twelve houses of zodiac represent all the aspects of existence at the terrestrial as well as individual level. The houses from the lagna to seventh represent the right half of the body of the native(and the left half of the body of his spouse). Those from the seventh to the lagna represent his left half and the right half of his spouse.

First House

Body, fame, strength, character, courage, knowledge or lack of it, residence, place of birth, dignity, honour, ancestry, livelihood, the present wisdom, wealth, comforts and discomforts, self-respect, peace of mind, happiness and un-happiness, detachment, virtues and vices, health of parents.
In medical astrology : Body in general, limbs, complexion, marks or moles on the body, sound and unsound health, skin texture, longevity, sleep, head, brain, texture of hair, stamina.

Second House

Wealth, speech, physical enjoyments, trading in ornaments, pearls and diamonds, buying or selling in general, accumulation of wealth, earning through self-effort, acquisitions from father, truthfulness and falsehood, inclinations, food, taste, clothes, eloquence, humility, steadiness of mind, learning education, letters, anger, deceitfulness, family members, friends, enemies, servants, close followers, self-control, death.
In medical astrology : Face, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, nose, nails, speech, eyes(right eye).

Third House

Courage and valour, physical fitness, hobbies, talent, education, good qualities, siblings, longevity of parents, tolerance, capability, quality and nature of food, selfishness, sports, fights, refuge, trading, dreams. Sorrows, stability of mind, neighborhood, near relations, friends, army, inheritance, ornaments, cleverness, short journeys.
In medical astrology : Ears(right ear), neck, throat, shoulders, bones, upper limbs, mental instability, physical growth, and longevity.

Fourth House

Near and dear ones, caste and ancestry, mother, relatives on mother�s side, lands and houses, agriculture, farming, gardens, orchards, installations, buildings, parliament favours from the ruler, medicine, education, knowledge of land and geography, hidden treasures, comforts and discomforts, courage, faith, victory and defeat, perfumes, clothes, milk, digging, agricultural produce, vehicles, possession of cattle, horses and elephants.
In medical astrology: Chest, lungs, heart, breast, potent, medicine.

Fifth House

Progeny, father, mental ability, learning, knowledge, scholarship, character, conception, prosperity, acquisitions through wife, fascination (for women), sharp, wisdom, discrimination and analytical skill, capability, devotion to gods, means of earning, official seal, good or bad memory, speculation, humiliation, authorship, shruti(Vedas), Smitri, knowledge of mantras, karmas of past lives.
In medical astrology: Heart, upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, mind, mental illness, problems related to pregnancy.

Sixth House

Enemies, oppositions, mental agitation, injuries, accident, disease, wounds sustained in war, loans, debts, losses, disappointments, obstacles, poisions, slanders, humiliation, cruelty, indulgence in prohibited acts, theft, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal uncles, maternal aunt, step-mother, pets, cattle, flavours of food, servants, subordinates, nuisances in general.

In medical astrology: Intestines, umbilical region, phlegmatic illness, tuberculosis, eye disease, poisoning, accidents, operations.

Seventh House

Spouse, sex partner, marriage, adultery, lust or passion, nature or character of spouse, sexual union, secret love affairs, journey, deviation from ones path, partnership in business, overt enemies, quarrels, theft, loss of memory, recovery of lost wealth, progress, attainment of status, grandfather, brother�s son death.
In medical astrology: Lower urinary tract, anal canal, semen, seminal vesicle, urethra, prostrate, sexual act.

Eighth House

Marital Status of the woman, longevity, death, obstacle, disgrace, defeat, discontinuity, suddenness, unexpectedness, misery, loss of memory, sin, killing a living being, capital punishment, nature of death, place of death, wickedness, father�s indebtedness, deviation from unexpected norms, frightful place, difficult route, crevices, finding faults, humiliation, wife�s wealth, sudden unexpected gain, hidden talents, spiritual pursuits and attainments, inheritance, son of the elder sister.
In medical astrology: External genitalia, incurable or chronic disease, loss of limb, longevity, cause of death, severe mental anguish.

Ninth House

Virtuous deeds, pilgrimages, worship, religious inclination, devotional and religious learning, karmas of the present birth, splendour, association with virtuous, auspiciousness, the preceptor or guru, father, austerity, penance, charity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, devotion towards the preceptor, spiritual initiation, mental quietude, fame and fortune, progeny, temples, vedic rituals, long journeys, travel by sea.
In medical astrology: Hips, thighs, nourishment.

Tenth House

Profession, function, source of livelihood, governmental service, honour from the king, business, status, wealth, political power, fame, progress, nature of work, professional inclination, the treating physician, hidden treasure, prescribed course, teaching capability, self-control, dominance, sacrificing nature, proficiency, father�s wealth and well-being, foreign travel, financial status, place of residence, performance of sacred and religious deeds.
In medical astrology: knee joint, knee cap.

Eleventh house

Gains of all the nature, income, acquisition, fulfillment of desires, nature of earning, arrival, rewards, recognition, favours from ruler, special status, proficiency, learning, ancestral property, fondness for the precious stones, lost wealth, pursuit of pious and religious deeds, profits and returns, elder brother, paternal uncle, longevity of the mother, material enjoyments.
In medical astrology: Legs, left ear, left upper limb, recovery from disease.

Twelfth House

Expenditure, loss of wealth, spending money for prescribed or prohibited pursuits, pleasures of the bed, bedroom, mental anguish, loss of sleep, physical disease, wickedness, penury, loss or disease of a limb, loss of authority, imprisonment, confinement in an enemy�s house, loss of spouse, exit from world, emancipation, renunciation, distant travel, foreign land, emigration, loss in travel, paternal property, spiritual learning, secret learning, fear from overt and covert enemies.
In medical astrology: Sleep disorders, mental imbalance, hospitalisation, feet, left eye, death.

Remedial Astrology

As we have seen, the birth chart reflects what circumstances in this life we can expect to experience. According to the Vedic Astrology, these effects are a result of past actions, actions in previous lifetimes.
Our time and place of birth is not random, it precisely specifies a birth chart for us, delivering the results of our past actions through the quality of Natural Law at the time of birth. The act of birth imprints these laws in our physiology and the environment we are born in. The planetary positions are merely convenient indicators of those laws, accurate instruments to measure, calculate and interpret these laws. The interpretation of the birth chart is merely a reflection of our stage of evolution at the time of our birth; it does not limit us in any way to grow and improve upon it.
Even though the analysis includes a lifetime of dashas and transits, one should realize that all of that remains relative to the evolutionary state at the time of birth. Past actions are the result of past choices. When people become aware of choices that they no longer wish to keep, they can change their life by starting to choose differently.
New choices will start creating new responses, which will gradually change our circumstances. Reactions and responses from past actions take time to manifest, and remove those karmas.
Remedial measures are things we can do to help correct or neutralize the undesired results of past actions. There are different types of remedial measures.

  • Fire rituals
  • Yantra
  • Gemstones etc.

satta king chart